A comprehensive checking account suited for a business with a high volume of activity that includes a detailed monthly assessment of the account and an earnings credit based on collected funds.*
Monthly Service
Fee $15
Includes Earning Credit
to offset any service fees*
Minimum Opening
Deposit $25

Other Account Features
Item Charges — Debits $0.15, Check Deposits $0.12, Deposits Made $0.25. Debit items with a charge include checks cashed, wires, or ACHs. Debit card transactions do not count as items.
Earnings Credit* — Calculated on collected funds.
Mobile Deposit — Deposit remotely from a mobile device.
Business Overdraft Line of Credit* — Automatically advance funds to pay items if your business account has insufficient funds.
Treasury Management Services Available* — eDeposit, Positive Pay, ACH Origination, and Online/Mobile Wires packages and services are available.
Additional Benefits — Detailed Analysis Statements*, Zero Balance Accounts (ZBA), and Sweep Accounts are also available.
To open an account, visit one of our locations.
Other Account Features
Item Charges — Debits $0.15, Check Deposits $0.12, Deposits Made $0.25. Debit items with a charge include checks cashed, wires, or ACHs. Debit card transactions do not count as items.
Earnings Credit* — Calculated on collected funds.
Mobile Deposit — Deposit remotely from a mobile device.
Business Overdraft Line of Credit* — Automatically advance funds to pay items if your business account has insufficient funds.
Treasury Management Services Available* — eDeposit, Positive Pay, ACH Origination, and Online/Mobile Wires packages and services are available.
Additional Benefits — Detailed Analysis Statements*, Zero Balance Accounts (ZBA), and Sweep Accounts are also available.
To open an account, visit one of our locations.
Changes to federal regulations now require banks to collect additional information regarding business owners and managers each time a new account is opened. The next time you need a new account, please call ahead so that we can help you prepare the necessary information to fully assist you. For some Frequently Asked Questions about Beneficial Ownership, please click here.
*Business Analysis Account: Check imaging for all business accounts is optional, with a $5 monthly fee for the front of checks and $2 monthly fee for the back of checks. See the Business Miscellaneous Fee Schedule for additional details. Earnings credit calculated on collected funds. Debit Card: No annual fee. If you change your design two or more times during the year, a $10.00 replacement fee per card will apply. Online Banking: Internet access required. Internet charges may apply, depending on your Internet provider’s plan. eStatements: eStatements are provided at no charge, paper statements will be assessed an additional monthly fee of $5. Mobile Banking: Requires Business Online Banking enrollment. Wireless carrier charges may apply, depending on your wireless/Internet carrier’s plan. Business Overdraft Line of Credit: Loans subject to credit approval and underwriting. Other terms and conditions may apply. Treasury Management: Treasury Management packages and services are available. Please ask your banker for more information and pricing. Analysis Statements: eStatements only.